One of the strengths of the NEMO is the streamlined order and training process.
After all, you can't wait to pilot your own NEMO!

Step one
"Choose and configure and your NEMO"
The NEMO is a series-produced submersible, which means we are able to build these subs at a pricepoint that is unprecedented in the industry. The NEMO will be able to be personalised with a choice of standard options – colour, lights, sonar. For more information please enquire below.
Option Packages
Standard NEMO
Standard options
- Standard white colour
- Black leather interior
- Airconditioning
- Wireless underwater communication
- One floodlight
- Two spotlights
Additional lights Package

Two (2) High-intensity spotlights and one (1) floodlight are standard on the NEMO. The additional lights package brings the total up to four (4) spotlights and three (3) floodlights.
Sonar Package

A high-tech sonar acts as a second pair of eyes, especially in low-visibility conditions. This is the most efficient and effective forward-looking imaging sonar system available today.
The dual-frequency sonar offering 120 meter range capability at 750 kHz and 40 meter range at 1.2 MHz. Ideal for navigation and high resolution imagery for near field target identification.
Manipulator Arm Package

A fully-electrical 5-function manipulator is installed on the submersible with the ability to retrieve small objects from the sea floor.
Underwater Navigation Package
Upgrading to the Underwater Navigation Package equips the NEMO with a subsea tracking and navigation system, based on Ultra-short Baseline (USBL) technology.
The system ensures that the pilot and surface tracking computer have a real-time position on the NEMO.
Visual Package

The base colour of the NEMO is a high-gloss white exterior with black leather interior and NEMO logo in the headrests. An upgrade package is available which lets you choose a custom colour for the exterior as well as a customised interior colour scheme and custom logos on the headrests.
4K Camera Package
Getting the best shots from each adventure in the deep is paramount. We offer a 4K Camera set-up for the NEMO with an internal control and record deck.

Step two
"Ordering your NEMO"
When you have selected the options you would like added to your NEMO submersible, you will be ready to order. Your NEMO will be built in a series approach, ensuring a much faster delivery time. If you would like to know more please inquire below.
Step Three
"Become a pilot and receive your own NEMO"
Ordering your NEMO is one thing, becoming a qualified pilot is another.
U-Boat Worx offers certified training courses to any purchaser who orders a NEMO submersible.
The training consists of two weeks full-time training at our facility, Sub Center Curaçao (SCC). Here you will learn everything you need to know to become a certified submersible operator. After you have completed the requisite training, you will be handed the keys to your own NEMO submersible, subject to prior qualifications gained as a pilot. Your NEMO can be delivered to either Curaçao or The Netherlands.

Step Four
"Adventure Awaits"
After requisite pilot training, you will be ready to set out and explore in your own NEMO submersible.
Time to command your own adventure.